
Sunday 27 September 2020

September 27th 2020 - Day 2831

 The yearly outlook has taken a drastic turn on the work front. Monday and Tuesday were bank holidays, which was fun since my wife and I could continue to be lazy, and also take time to go to the Pokemon cafe. A themed restaurant as part of the Pokemon centre, it has basically everything we could have asked for. We had a lot of fun and made the most of our time.

Which is lucky because the next 3 days of work were no fun. For one thing, the usual workload has started to get piled on, and for another, the extra work is piling on too. Three days in a row of increasingly late nights, even when one of those days was working from home, and getting to the point of having to ride the last train on Friday. Even though the weekend rolled around quickly, and most of it was spent being lazy, it was marred by another request for some emergency work, so my Saturday night was ruined. But Sunday was a lot more fun. I helped some friends film an interview through zoom, and my wife and I went for a short walk that turned into a long walk with an hour of karaoke for the heck of it. Here's hoping the next week is not nearly so tough.

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