
Monday 26 October 2020

October 26th 2020 - Day 2860

Ok, I know I promised you all weekly blog updates, but there are still times when it is hard to do when there is very little going on. Over the last month work has been going through an up down process, where one moment I am busy from dawn till dusk, and the next there is nothing going on at all. The only other major excitement during the weekdays is that I have started doing more English lessons in private, which is good practice for my Japanese and a good way to make some extra income. My wife has been hard at work trying to find work, or else looking after the house and me whenever I need it.

One major event from the last month was that my wife and I celebrated our one year Japanese wedding anniversary. To celebrate we had a magical day together out on the town. Specifically we headed to the shrine where we had our shinto wedding ceremony in the morning to pay our respects to the local dieties, an then went to the venue where we had our reception for a magnificent lunch. 

Other news, the new Pokemon expansion came out so we have been playing that almost non stop with our friends, and more recently, we went out to see a very cool play based on a game we love. We also brought a couple of my wife's Japanese friends, and we all had a spectacular time and a fun late lunch afterwards to catch up.

Otherwise we have mainly been keeping quiet and as far away from COVID-19 as possible. Probably going to be a bit more of that, but with the year almost over and life steadily stabilising in Japan to a state we can enjoy the outside again, we have several plans lined up for the rest of the year, so there may yet be a few things for me to write about.

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