
Sunday 26 July 2020

July 26th 2020 - Day 2768

After only two days of work, I had the rest of the week off, which my wife and I used to drive up to her home town in Akita. The drive up took a full day, but it was a fun adventure, and a good chance to see a part of Japan we wouldn't normally see. We then had two days helping to clear her old family home, as her relatives have decided to move home. Mostly we focussed on sorting out my wife's stuff and picking bits we wanted to bring back to Tokyo with us. While we were there, we also got to enjoy meeting our new niece, and catching up with everyone up there. It was good to see everyone on good form. We then had a day of exploring and site seeing. We finally got to see the bear park - a small mountain top conservation centre for black bears. We got to see them up close as well, and this had been something on our to-do list for a while, so it was great to be able to go at last. We then went for a wander around the Oirase Gorge - a secluded river gorge near Lake Towada. Despite the rain, it was a gorgeous bit of scenery and well worth the visit. From there we started our journey home, stopping for the night in Morioka city (we sadly didn't have time to explore the town or try the famous wan-ko soba, but more reason to go back). We at last returned back to Tokyo on Sunday afternoon, and after unpacking and returning the car, we finally clocked off and spent the rest of the day being very lazy and recovering.

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