
Sunday 19 July 2020

July 19th 2020 - Day 2761

Good evening readers. As you may have noticed, it has been getting quite hard to keep up with posting on this blog on a daily basis. Nearly 8 years ago, I started this blog to keep my family and friends up to date on how life is going for me out here. Since then, I have built up an exciting life and surrounded myself with loving friends and the love of my life, and I've found a job I find great satisfaction from working on. Basically what I'm trying to say is - I have way more going on on a daily basis than I did 8 years ago. Add to that the fact that lately there hasn't been a lot to write about, I've decided to step back a bit from blogging on a regular basis. I will still keep writing and keep everyone informed, but now it will probably be a weekly basis, or when something fun happens.

So, to keep things up to day, the last couple of weeks have been a bit of an uphill downhill process. Work goes from being maniacally hectic and stressful to having very little to do, but on the whole I usually have enough to keep my busy until closing time each day. On the weekends, my wife and I have been keeping each other company and busy, mostly playing games and going for walks around the area to stretch our legs.
A couple of interesting events from the last couple of weeks. Last Saturday I went to go and see a new Kamen rider themed store in Tokyo station (which by comparison to pre-corona times is now a complete ghost town with very few people walking around). And yesterday, my wife and I rented out the theatre room on the ground floor of our apartment building and spent the day binge watching anime.

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